Haven't posted for a while... I was pretty busy walking back from the Van Halen show in Vegas... Just to think. I must a took a wrong turn somewhere in West Texas.. Marfa, I think... Anyway, I ended up walkin' in LA for a while.... So I thought I'd do the Forest Gump thing & you know what... I ran & made it back home to SA Town just in time to score a couple more Van Halen tickets for the San Antonio show... and they were again fantastic!!! Not too surprising coming from a longtime Van Halen follower, but I guess you knew that cause I made this blog for the reunion. Anyway, Being that this was my second time seeing them I kinda knew the set by heart… As in the Vegas show Roth came out again w/ this big grin from ear to ear… He rapped about how he used to walk the streets of Vegas in the past & how he knew Vegas like the top of his mouth... " Roth said, "I Even Worked here in the MGM hotel.." where the show was held "& I even Got Fired Once.." He looked over to a guy standing in the front row & asked.. Where did you get fired??? Burger King. ???..." Anyway, back to the SA Show.. This time I was sittin' a lot closer. I scored a couple face value tickets by luck {Craigslist} & went w/ Ricko.. a good friend of mine. We had a freakin' blast... Wolfie was all business most of the show until Roth started messin’ w/ him.. Introducing him as, "The Meistro on the Bass"... I couldn’t wait to hear Ed’s solo & that was a big surprise.. Instead of the same intro solo.. He started w/ Spanish fly. What a delight. Everyone in the crowd stood the whole show.. showin’ Van Halen just how freakin’ happy we were to see them again.. 22 years long.. what a wait…
All members took solos.. Roth did his blue light special, “Ice Cream Man”…